GOLD Mastercard Contact

Do you have questions about your gebührenfreien GOLD Mastercard? We’re just a phone call away! Call our Mastercard customer service or send us an email. We are here for you around the clock!

Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Contact- Germany & Luxembourg

Customer service, information and card blocking

We are at your disposal around the clock, seven days a week!

Hotline: 0800 880 1120

  • Toll-free from the German fixed network
  • 24 hours/day, 7 days/week

Tel: +49 345 2197 3030

  • From other countries and mobile network
  • 24 hours/day, 7 days/week

For technical support regarding the online service meine.karte
You can reach the technical “meine karte customer service” Mon.-Sat., 8am-1pm:
+49 (0) 345 – 21973027 (from all networks)

Per Email to:

For written correspondence with Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold, please write to us at the following postal addresses:

House & mailing address:
Advanzia Bank S.A.
9, rue Gabriel Lippmann
Parc d´Activité Syrdall 2
L-5365 Munsbach

Postal address in Germany:
Advanzia Bank S.A.
– Gebührenfrei MasterCard Gold –
Postfach 4108
D-54231 Trier

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